About the Author(s)

Dirk J. Geldenhuys Email symbol
Department of Industrial and Organisational Psychology, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa


Geldenhuys, D. (2022). Strengthening applied neuroscience networks: A quest for interdisciplinarity. Journal of Applied Neurosciences, 1(1), a1. https://doi.org/10.4102/jan.v1i1.1


Strengthening applied neuroscience networks: A quest for interdisciplinarity

Dirk J. Geldenhuys

Copyright: © 2022. The Author(s). Licensee: AOSIS.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Breakthroughs in neuroscience, caused by advances in sophisticated imaging technology, compelled scholars and practitioners to realise the important role of neuroscience in generating new knowledge to understand the functioning of the human brain. As the brain controls all aspects of human functioning, from our heartbeat and breathing to engaging with very complex tasks, neuroscience provides us with the neurological and other biological underpinnings of all human behaviours such as cognition, emotions, relationships and bodily activities. However, as most of the research in neuroscience is done in laboratories, neuroscience on its own does not offer us enough knowledge to understand and change human behaviour. Human beings do not live in laboratories, but interact with their environment as complex, self-organising systems. Therefore, we need knowledge of both neuroscience and our core disciplines. Combining neuroscience with our respective disciplines provides us with an extensively more integrated and holistic perspective on human behaviour and guidelines for optimal functioning – an important aspect that was neglected since Freud moved away from the biological routes of psychology. Applying neuroscience thus provides us with much more than another toolkit, and it helps us to become more rigorous and relevant as practitioners.

Considering the above, the Board of the International Association of Applied Neuroscience (IAAN) identified the need for a vehicle to generate and disseminate knowledge for applying neuroscience in the respective disciplines. This led to the launching of the Journal of Applied Neurosciences (JAN) in collaboration with AOSIS Publishing on 22 February 2022, to build on the successes and expand the scope of the International Journal of Neuropsychotherapy (IJNPT).

JAN, therefore, aims to serve the need of researchers, educators and professionals who work in settings such as universities, clinical settings, consulting rooms, hospitals, schools, churches, sports arenas and companies, with a platform to collaboratively enhance and refine their respective fields of study. The success of the journal, therefore, depends on the extent to which we are prepared and able to employ interdisciplinarity to generate new knowledge and to challenge our established practices, all aimed at advancing human functioning in families, societies and organisations. We, therefore, invite manuscripts on all aspects of integrative, biopsychosocial issues related to human functioning in the diversity of settings related to the core streams of the journal: psychotherapy, psychology and clinical practice, business, education, spirituality and religion, and sport.


Crossref Citations

1. Neuromyths in Industrial and Organisational Psychology in South Africa: Prevalence and impact
Ingra du Buisson-Narsai, Talia Fisher, Andrew Morris, Xander van Lill
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology  vol: 50  year: 2024  
doi: 10.4102/sajip.v50i0.2097