Original Research

Attachment Traumatology: Interpersonal neurosynchronistic phylogenesis

Joseph P. Riordan
Journal of Applied Neurosciences | Vol 2, No 1 | a7 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/jan.v2i1.7 | © 2023 Joseph P. Riordan | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 16 February 2023 | Published: 27 November 2023

About the author(s)

Joseph P. Riordan, Riordan Psychological Services, Jimboomba, Australia


Orientation: Dyadic trauma is contagious. Converging neurosynchronistic constructs and the application of attachment focused-somatic experiencing (AF-SE) to traumatised dyads have revealed phenomena that required examination of the relationship between trauma, attachment and community psychopathology.

Research purpose: The phylogenetic impact of trauma on attachment is under-reported in attachment traumatology. The purpose of the study was to introduce the theory of dyadic trauma, and SPA and interpersonal neurosynchronistic phylogenesis (INP) as constructs to explain the relationship between trauma, attachment and community psychopathology.

Motivation for the study: Widespread loneliness and loss of social cohesion indicate significant, trauma-driven phylogenetic shifts in secure phylogenetic attachment (SPA). Interpersonal neurosynchronistic constructs emerged to elucidate the phenomena.

Research approach/design and method: Conceptualisation based on a synthesis of pertinent research provided for an analysis with theory adaptation as an approach. Secure phylogenetic attachment transposed interpersonally is compromised by maladaptive-interpersonal neurosynchronistic phylogenesis (M-INP). Attachment traumatology was chosen as the domain theory and INP as the method theory.

Main findings: Maladaptive-interpersonal neurosynchronistic phylogenesis is complicit in community psychopathology. It was found that INP served as a valuable method theory in generating new insights regarding dyadic trauma, attachment and psychopathology. Three unique categories of attachment, namely SPA, the antithesis of trauma, traumatic and monozygotic attachment were proposed.

Implications for practice: Attachment traumatologists are provided with a theoretical model, dyadic trauma and descriptive terminology to elucidate the phylogenetic impact of trauma on attachment.

Contribution/value add: Specific nomenclature described the interpersonal neuro-dynamics of INP and its functional role in traumatic attachment thereby indicating a paradigm shift in attachment traumatology.


attachment focused-somatic experiencing; dyadic trauma; dyadic completion; interpersonal neurosynchronistic phylogenesis; loneliness; monozygotic attachment; monozygotic attunement; secure phylogenetic attachment and social isolation

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